
Avatar Cropper

A small webpage that allows you to quickly crop avatars for many sites.

How to make a profile picture for osu! (no external programs needed)

LunaPic:http://www167.lunapic.com/editor/ --- osu!avatarmaker:https://www.osustuff.org/avatar-maker ...

New Avatar Maker tool just released to easily make your own nice ...

It's a nice little tool for people who just want a quick avatar made and don't want to wait for someone else to do it, good work!

osu avatar maker · forum

Using an image manipulation software like GIMP or Krita or Photoshop, if you can get it, offers more control and also allows for higher quality images.

osu! Battle Royale Tournaments

A new fun way to play casual osu! matches and tournaments. If you're bored of grinding single player or want a new challenge, this is the place for you!

osuStuff Play

A new fun way to play casual osu! matches 24/7 and measure your skill up against others ... Avatar Maker Bounties Discord Server. About. A website made by osu ...

This is a really good page which has various osu! tools, such as ...

This is a really good page which has various osu! tools, such as avatar maker, banner maker, and custom skin maker! Check it out!


to upload a pic u need to upload the pic in your other website like tumblr,blogger or any other website u know that can upload pics... copy the ...

【情報】想要擁有自己的頭像卻無從下手? Avatar Maker就是你的福音 ...

這次一樣是在Google osu! · 而且功能很多,非常客製化,你能夠加文字或者是外框。 · 網站在此:https://www.osustuff.org/avatar-maker · 如果不太擅長英文,這裡 ...


Asmallwebpagethatallowsyoutoquicklycropavatarsformanysites.,LunaPic:http://www167.lunapic.com/editor/---osu!avatarmaker:https://www.osustuff.org/avatar-maker ...,It'sanicelittletoolforpeoplewhojustwantaquickavatarmadeanddon'twanttowaitforsomeoneelsetodoit,goodwork!,UsinganimagemanipulationsoftwarelikeGIMPorKritaorPhotoshop,ifyoucangetit,offersmorecontrolandalsoallowsforhigherqualityimages.,Ane...